Mindfulness for Wellbeing

Evidence-based training courses in Arabic and English

Educators... please make sure to put your own oxygen mask on and practice real care for yourself so that you can be there for the next generation.

– Dr. Nadine Burke Harris

What Mindfulness is


By bringing awareness to each moment, we start to notice what is happening within, with others, and with the world around us. Developing this awareness brings with it a sense of joy and appreciation for life.


We start to slow down and really BE with our experiences. This doesn't mean that we run out of time for the things we need to do, in fact the opposite is true. By taking time to focus our attention on what matters, actually frees up time. Through slowing down and raising our awareness, we cultivate the qualities of patience, compassion, and resilience.


The number of research studies investigating mindfulness has increased exponentially over the last decade. The results have provided solid evidence that practicing mindfulness significantly reduces stress and anxiety; is more effective in preventing recurring depression than taking pills; makes us happier; brings joy and happiness to our lives; positively impacts our relationships and is just good for our overall health and wellbeing.

For Everyone

Mindfulness training does not require any special skills, bringing attitudes of a beginners mind and curiosity is a great start. We are all born with the capacity to be mindful. Anyone can do it.

You can't stop the waves, but you can learn to surf.

– Jon Kabat-Zinn

Why do it

Enhances Wellbeing

Positive impacts on psycho-social wellbeing include a sense of meaning and purpose, optimism, connectedness, happiness and fulfilment.

Increases Resilience

Developing mindfulness skills enables us to find our inner calm, to relax and find peace within, increases our ability to deal with adversity, so we are better able to cope with the daily challenges in school.

Reduces Stress and Anxiety

Being aware of, and accepting, what is happening moment by moment, we learn about our own behaviours and habits. Once we have this deep understanding of ourselves, we can notice when it is time to pause, to take a moment, giving us the option of how to respond rather than habitually react.

Improves Relationships

Through mindfulness practice our sense of connection with ourselves and others deepens, and we develop a stronger capacity for self-care and self-compassion which flows into our relationships with students, colleagues, family and friends.

Restores Physical Health

"Where the mind goes the body follows." When we take care of the health of the mind the benefits naturally transfer to the body. Reported improvements include a reduction in heart rate, blood pressure, and stress hormones; and a better quality of sleep.